Windows 7 And Windows 8 Users Can Now Get The Chromium Edge
It has been known for quite some time that Microsoft was starting to utilize some aspects of Google's Chrome to help bolster its own newest Edge browser. What we're seeing now appears to indicate that this course of action may well be perceived by Microsoft as being successful. The Edge browser had a rough beginning, not enabling addons which other browsers did and really scaring people away from it. The symptoms which had plagued Microsoft's Edge browser have, for the most part, been resolved or at least mitigated and making Chromium Edge available to Windows 7 and Windows 8 users is an interesting move by Microsoft. Perhaps the idea is to let people have a little taste of what would be in store when moving to Windows 10 or just "showing off" the way Chromium Edge looks and feels.
The Future Of The PC OS Is What Microsoft Calls The Modern OS
Or at least that is according to Nick Parker, Microsoft Corporate Vice President of Consumer and Device Sales at Computex 2019 in Taipei this week. In his official Microsoft blog from May 28, 2019 entitled Enabling innovation and opportunity on the Intelligent Edge, Parker details this vision of the "modern OS" which he also did at Computex 2019. Given the level of detail expressed at Computex 2019 and in Parker's blog it seems that Microsoft is already positioning itself for what may lie beyond Windows 10. That's not to say Microsoft's modern OS will replace Windows 10, but it does appear to digress from the "Universal Windows Platform" (which appears to have failed) and instead focuses mainly on a few current platforms while preparing for new form factors and devices and using seamless updates. It's important to note that Nick Parker did not mention Windows or any actual name when describing Microsoft's modern OS but there are quite a few aspects and details he did present with this new concept.
Microsoft Issues Update For New Zero Day Attack, Includes XP
The new ZombieLoad Zero day vulnerability announced by Intel, Microsoft, and others has resulted in many patches being released by many computing industry giants. In the case of Microsoft this ZombieLoad vulnerability is impactful enough to warrant updating Windows XP in May 2019 five years after it's support retirement, as well as other of their affected Operating Systems. This ZombieLoad vulnerability has major potential to become a very devastating set of attacks on a high number of computers which does justify Microsoft's decision to execute updating Windows XP in May 2019 and there is quite a bit of supporting research and discovery to back that up. This is very much like the previously encountered Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities in that it can allow attackers to gather sensitive information through side-channel speculative execution and other vulnerabilities within the compromised computer's CPU architecture.
Microsoft Will Prompt Windows 7 Users Toward Windows 10 In April
This is definitely a gray area and something which will likely not be welcomed by many Windows 7 users, especially those who hold it near and dear and don't relish the thought of losing it. The image above perhaps reflects the thought of going from something considered stable to something considered "sketchy" but that is the only intended inference and we must remember that Windows 10 is the current and only Microsoft OS for the foreseeable future at this time. You can get used to it and many aspects are improvements so Microsoft has decided it's time to give Windows 7 users a little nudge toward adopting Windows 10 and according to a Microsoft Blog entitled "Making the transition to Windows 10 and Office 365" by Matt Barlow (Corporate Vice President, Windows) they will begin doing exactly that next month. It is stated in that blog that "you can expect to see a notification appear on your Windows 7 PC" and it's described as a courtesy reminder. What is clear about this is that Microsoft wants everybody moved over to Windows 10 (and Office 365) as soon as they can make it happen and they will be certain you are reminded of that fact using this transition to Windows 10 and Office 365 notification.
Net Neutrality Needs The US Congress To Save It From The FCC
The FCC had been on board with Net Neutrality and keeping the Internet fairly free and open to all who create and use its content but that has changed with the appointment of Ajit Pai as chairman of the FCC. Pai has effectively killed Net Neutrality by ensuring the FCC voted to rescind what it had previously put in place to protect Net Neutrality under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934. This is a critical fact in that under Title II the Internet would have protection from certain entities (ISPs) "mak[ing] any unjust or unreasonable discrimination in charges, practices, classifications, regulations, facilities, or services" (Wikipedia). Pai has said that he "was committed to a free and open Internet and that it was not the FCC's role to determine net neutrality" (Wikipedia). On the other hand he voted against the FCC's 2015 Open Internet Order - which enabled Title II protection for Net Neutrality - and then later voted to kill it when appointed chairman of the FCC. How in the world does this mean he is committed to a free and open Internet? Any logical person would have left it alone if they were committed to a free and open Internet. The only way this travesty can be reversed it with LAW, which means Net Neutrality needs the US Congress to save it from the FCC.