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Facebook Loss Equals N.S.A. Gain

   With all of the latest concerns regarding privacy (especially on the ‘Net) many people – arguably most – have become more concerned and more acutely aware regarding such things as U.S. Government security leaks, policy changes among Internet Service Providers and Social Media outlets (AND governments worldwide), and overall security in their lives. Most have now heard of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, and of late most notably the former N.S.A. (National Security Agency) analyst turned “rogue” Edward Snowden. These are all legitimate concerns; however, there will be no links to such entities here at Resolve.


   Here is the newest twist in the ongoing evolution of surveillance which may also be of concern: In 2010 a man named Max Kelley, the chief security officer for Facebook at that time, left the company. His responsibilities at Facebook included protecting the personal information of the Social Media giant’s colossal number of clients (including myself and you) but he left Facebook – to join the N.S.A. Just how relevant is this? One might already suspect but there is expertise in security that moved from Facebook to the NSA.

   This was evidently not a well-known thing when it happened; in fact, the New York Times just stated today that it was previously unreported. The Internet Defense League notified all its members because they are in the pursuit of protecting Internet privacy and closely monitor all such activity, hence this report here at Resolve. The level(s) at which surveillance operates have been drawn into question, and should we wonder – what’s next?
